
  • Inside No. 9: Wuthering Heist – Review

    13th May 2021 by

    Inside No. 9 is, rightly, lauded by critics and fans alike. The series takes a dip into a different genre each week, and the results are generally ingenious and satisfying. Some episodes are misses, but that’s a casualty of the anthology style – and it means that next week is always a chance for something… Read more

  • Orwellian

    22nd Jan 2021 by

    Even as Joe Biden takes a fire extinguisher to the still-burning embers of the Trump presidency, the dividing lines of the future are already being drawn. Several of Trump’s children and extended family are actively planning political careers. Ivanka is said to be eyeing a senatorial career ahead of a future presidential run, but it’s… Read more

  • The End of an Era?

    19th Jan 2021 by

    Martin Luther King said that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. On Wednesday, Joe Biden takes over the presidency from Donald Trump. Trump won’t be attending the inauguration, of course. He was never going to. Instead, the congenital loser will have fled the scene of the crime for… Read more

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